Helena is CLEW ambassador for the Nordic countries, based in Helsinki. She is a freelance journalist from Finland. After a long career working for magazines such as Tekniikka & Talous in Alma Media company, her arcticles have also been published in magazines like Osto- ja Logistiikka, Metallitekniikka and Kauppalehti. Additionally, she writes specialized articles for company magazines and web pages. She extensively covers the electricity sector in her work, including grid, utilities, storage. She also writes on forest and waste management.
Helena became an ambassador of CLEW Journalism Network because of her expertise and large network in energy and environmental questions.
Here are some examples of Helena's work as an energy journalist:
- Report from CLEW's Global Energy Transition Journalism conference (#GETJO19), http://www.tiedetoimittajat.fi/tiedetoimittaja/energiamurros-ja-ilmastonmuutos-yhdistavat-journalisti-loikkaa-yli-maiden-rajojen/
Iceland and the aluminium production: 70 % of the electricity goes to the aluminium, https://www.tekniikkatalous.fi/uutiset/islanti-tuottaa-enemman-alumiinia-kuin-yhdysvallat-maan-sahkosta-70-kuluu-alumiiniteollisuudessa/abf6adc5-d5eb-37e3-a3b4-cf92401152a4
- Cooperation on nuclear safety, https://www.fennonen.fi/artikkelisivu/oppia-ika-kaikki-parhaat-kaytannot-jaetaan-kansainvalisessa-yhteistyossa
- EU recycling regulations and the circular economy, https://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2019/03/25/amparinjonottajien-luvattu-maa-...
Circular economy, and the use of biobased, fossil-free materials for packaging: https://yle.fi/aihe/artikkeli/2019/04/08/ymparistoystavallinen-mielikuva-myy-kuluttajat-odottavat-uusilta