CLEW Calendar - Energy & Climate Policy Events

Last update: 26 July.

Upcoming events

Until 8 September: German Parliament summer break.

Looking further ahead...

1 September: State elections in Saxony.

1 September: State elections in Thuringia.

8 - 13 September: First session of the German parliament (Bundestag) after the summer break.

12 - 13 September: Handelsblatt annual conference on industry decarbonization, DÜSSELDORF.

17 September: Conference "Potentials or urban energy efficiency: City planning, modernisation and renewable heat" by the Franco-German Office for the Energy Transition, BERLIN.

20 September: Climate strike, by Fridays for Future and others, BERLIN et al.

22 September: State elections in Brandenburg.

1-2 October: Annual gas conference by business daily Handelsblatt, BERLIN.

10-11 October: Conference "Strong grids - strong future" by utility association BDEW, BERLIN.



2 March: State elections in the city state of Hamburg.

28 September: Federal elections in Germany. (tbc, proposed by cabinet)

Online events on climate change/energy/journalism

Clean Energy Wire is maintaining a list of online events and webinars related to climate change, energy and journalism, which we will update regularly. You can find the list here. For more EU events, see What’s next in Europe? – Timeline of European climate and energy policy.

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