CLEW Calendar - Energy & Climate Policy Events
Upcoming events
11 January: SPD party conference, adoption of election programme, BERLIN.
15 January: Civil society and NGO network Climate-Alliance Germany presents its demands for the federal election, BERLIN.
15 January: German onshore wind power expansion status - press conference, by VDMA, ONLINE.
16 January: Energy Dialogue by renewable energy association BEE with policymakers and grid agency head Müller, BERLIN.
21-23 January: Energy Summit conference by business daily Handelsblatt, with economy minister Habeck and many business representatives, BERLIN.
22 January: Energy forum "Development perspectives for the European power market design" by the Franco-German Office for the Energy Transition, ONLINE.
26 January: Green Party conference, BERLIN.
30 January: "How to make the Green Deal future-proof and socially just", discussion by Climate-Alliance Germany and NGO network DNR, BERLIN and ONLINE.
31 January: Policy briefing by wind energy association BWE, ONLINE.
Looking further ahead...
11 February: Futures for the energy transition, annual conference of the academy initiative ‘Energy Systems of the Future’ (ESYS), BERLIN.
23 February: German federal snap election.
2 March: State elections in the city state of Hamburg.
18-19 March: Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue, BERLIN.
20-22 May: Green Tech Festival with focus on sustainable mobility & transport, energy & infrastructure, industry & materials, BERLIN.
Online events on climate change/energy/journalism
Clean Energy Wire is maintaining a list of online events and webinars related to climate change, energy and journalism, which we will update regularly. You can find the list here. For more EU events, see What’s next in Europe? – Timeline of European climate and energy policy.