About CLEW


The consequences of climate change and climate action have become a reality in Europe and across the globe. In a world characterised by polarisation and information overload, independent, focussed and constructive journalism in service of the public is vital for a faster, fairer move to climate neutrality and necessary adaptation.

What we do

Clean Energy Wire (CLEW) is an international hub for climate and energy journalism.

CLEW reports independently on the stories that matter for the move to climate neutrality in Europe with well-contextualised news, factsheets and in-depth analyses.

We collaborate with journalists across the globe who cover the world’s biggest story. We empower journalists with training and research support.

The CLEW Journalism Network with currently nearly 500 members from more than 80 countries offers a platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas, and for collaboration.

Why we do it

A global energy transition is the key to getting the climate crisis under control. Good journalism is central to drawing the right conclusions from Europe's efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions, what this means for citizens, businesses and society as a whole, and to inform the public debate across the globe. 

What sets us apart

Competence: We have the journalistic skills, sources, context and background ready thanks to our first-hand experience of covering the relevant stories of Europe’s move to climate neutrality.

Foresight: We see what topics will become relevant and create agenda-setting journalism other media and stakeholders can benefit from because we cover the process day-in, day-out.

Experience: Since 2014, we have been delivering top journalism and empowered other reporters - so we know what works and how to do it.

Trust: Our strong credibility and journalistic ethos create a unique sphere of trust.

Relevance: We know what matters for journalists and the public debate from our own daily reporting and from assisting media outlets across the globe.

Lasting Impact: Our network keeps journalists and experts engaged with the topics, the sources and each other, multiplying the effect of our own work.

Who we collaborate with

CLEW cooperates with organisations that share our commitment to climate action and quality journalism – our guidelines explain the principles.

More details on our cooperations here.

What is our impact

With our reporting, we reach nearly 6,000 newsletter subscribers. Around 135,000 users visit our website each month. Our stories have been used for hundreds of thousands of pieces across the world in media, expert analysis, teaching material and government papers. We have worked with some 1,500 journalists in person through workshops, research tours or on individual projects. Our growing network of nearly 500 engaged colleagues collaborates on stories, exchanges best-practice and creates new ways of reporting across borders.

Who pays for it

As a non-profit organisation under the roof of the 2050 Media Projekt gGmbH, we want to keep our journalism free for the public. Our philanthropic core funders – Stiftung Mercator and the European Climate Foundation – guarantee our independence from individual business or political interest. We aim for a mix of project funding and donations, and for collaboration on a larger scale if it fits our mandate and values of democracy, inclusiveness and fairness.

The 2050 Media Projekt gGmbH also runs the multiple-award-winning German-language climate science communication site klimafakten.de. The 2050 Media Projekt gGmbH’s budget totalled 1.3 million euros in 2023.

We are open to new supporters, partners and project funding.


Journalism for the energy transition

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