14 Aug 2024, 10:30
Julian Wettengel

In brief | 14 August '24

The Guardian: Germany has issued arrest warrant for diver over Nord Stream explosions, says report

Investigators said to believe Ukrainian man was one of team that planted explosives on pipelines in September 2022.

University of Basel: Expansion of agricultural land threatens climate and biodiversity

Food, feed, fiber, and bioenergy: The demand for agricultural raw materials is rising.

MET Office: Climate change raised the odds of unprecedented wildfires in 2023-24

Unprecedented wildfires in Canada and parts of Amazonia last year were at least three times more likely due to climate change and contributed to high levels of CO2 emissions from burning globally.

Politico: Europe’s southerners want Brussels to save them from climate change

Ursula von der Leyen faces pressure from the south over climate adaptation plans.

Bloomberg: EON boosts power-grid spending as Europe electrifies

-        CEO Birnbaum also calls for clearer framework for investments

-        Utility keeps full-year earnings forecast of up to €9 billion

Bloomberg: Global banks slammed in review scrutinizing their CO2 emissions

-        WRI study shows banks aren’t planning adequate CO2 cuts

-        Study coincides with exodus from climate finance alliances

Börsen-Zeitung: "Raw materials are the be-all and end-all" – EIB vice-president Beer

The European Investment Bank is taking a closer look at raw material supplies. They are the be-all and end-all’ for the digital and sustainable transformation, EIB Vice-President Nicola Beer said.

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