19 Nov 2024, 12:00

In brief | 19 November '24

DW: How has Germany's collapsed coalition scored on climate?

Germany has long been regarded as a leader on climate action, but the outgoing coalition leaves a mixed legacy.

Gov'ts of Germany, Singapore: Joint Declaration on the Singapore- Germany Strategic Partnership

Agreement encompasses climate, green economy, energy transition, including climate finance, marine decarbonisation and circular economy.

BBC: Flatulence tax: Denmark agrees deal for livestock emissions levy

From 2030, farmers will have to pay a levy of 300 kroner (€40; $43; £34) per tonne of methane (as per carbon dioxide equivalent) on emissions from livestock including cows and pigs, which will rise to 750 kroner in 2035.

Reuters: Global offshore wind industry poised to miss big targets as obstacles mount

After a year of cancelled projects, broken turbines, and abandoned lease sales, the global offshore wind industry no longer has much chance to hit the lofty targets set by governments in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere, marking a setback for efforts to fight climate change.

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Sören Amelang

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