05 Sep 2024, 11:01

In brief | 5 September '24

Le Monde: France's Macron appoints Michel Barnier, former European commissioner, as prime minister

The appointment of the EU's former Brexit negotiator, a member of the right-wing Les Républicains party, comes after almost two months of deadlock following legislative elections that produced no clear majority in Parliament.

dpa: Economic institute: Mood "in nosedive" in German car industry

Business climate in Germany’s automotive industry darkened in August, the leading ifo institute said.

Bloomberg: Germany’s image as auto superpower hit by VW’s slow decline

The carmaker’s warning of possible factory closures is the most symbolic moment yet for the decline of manufacturing in Europe’s No. 1 economy.

Guardian: ‘Every building sits on a thermal asset’: how networked geothermal power could change cities

The ground is humming with geothermal energy that could heat or cool our homes.

Reuters: Draghi says EU is falling behind its rivals in competitiveness

Former ECB chief blames limited innovation, high #energy prices & skills gaps ahead of his much-anticipated report on the topic.

Financial Times: Britain's reliance on coal to end after 140 years

Closure of final plant at the end of September marks a critical step in decarbonising electricity by 2030.

Guardian: Europe’s farming lobbies recognise need to eat less meat in shared vision report

Dialogue with green groups results in agreement on ‘urgent, ambitious and feasible’ reforms in agriculture.

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Sören Amelang

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