15 Oct 2014, 00:00
Kerstine Appunn

Germany's energy transition in the media on 15 October

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

"State Secretary Baake: 'Target triad for 2030 is the most cost-efficient and effective route to decarbonising Europe's energy system'"

Ahead of the EU energy summit on October 23 -24 when EU ministers are expected to agree on a new European energy framework, the secretary of state for Energy at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy has said the most cost-effective route to reducing Europe’s carbon emissions lies in a triad of targets on emission reductions, renewables and energy efficiency.

"Therefore, in addition to a climate target of at least 40 per cent, we are calling for binding targets for both renewable energy and energy efficiency of at least 30 per cent,” Rainer Baake (Green) said.

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy said Baake was speaking at an event in Brussels attended by representatives of the EU Member States, the European institutions, and industry and the economy, discussing over most cost efficient and sustainable pathway for the EU 2030 climate and energy framework with reference to three studies from Fraunhofer ISI, the consultancy firm Prognos/Ernst & Young, and the University of Athens.

 See the BMWi’s statement in English here.

See the Prognos/Ernst & Young discussion paper in English here.

See the University of Athens paper here.

See the Fraunhofer ISI paper here.


Renewable Energies Agency

"92 per cent of Germans want the expansion of renewable energy"

 The development of renewables is “important” or “very important” according to 92 per cent of respondents to a survey by the German renewables industry body, with 75 per cent believing that the sector contributes to a more secure future for the next generation.

See the statement in German here.


Frankfuter Allgemeine Zeitung

"The Energiewende crumbles"

In an opinion piece, FAZ correspondent Andrea Mihm refers to yesterday’s announcement that the surcharge for green energy added to consumer energy bills will be cut next year, saying that while welcome, the drop is the result the surcharge being set too high in 2014. Meanwhile political self-interest, lack of leadership and the interests of business and environmental lobbies contribute to a worrying outlook for the Energiewende.


Federation of German Consumer Organisations

Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv) warned in a statement that customers will continue to face rising electricity prices as electricity companies’ are likely to pocket the savings, and urged the creation of a tax-payer supported energy transition fund to back the costs of the Renewable Energy Act. A survey by heating products manufacturer Stiebel Eltron found that only one five Germans believe that the EEG reform will result in lower energy prices.

See the vzbv statement in German here.



"The long line to Bavaria"

Bavarian premier Horst Seehofer’s resistance to the SuedLink power lines mentioned reported earlier this week, were the subject of an article in the Handelsblatt, which says there will be a shortfall of power in Bavaria once nuclear power plants go offline in the coming years.

Also in the Handelsblatt Robert Busch, director of the German New Energy Federation, writes in an opinion piece headlined the “The endless tariff spiral” that rather than all consumers shouldering the financial burden of the EEG equally, contributions should be linked to taxable income.


Süddeutsche Zeitung

"Desertec breaks up"

Following yesterday’s reports of investors pulling out of Desertec, the German-initiated project to bring solar power from North Africa to Europe, the topic was covered again today, by the Süddeutsche Zeitung and Die Tageszeitung, among others.

See the article in German here.


Ärzteblatt Online

"Experts discuss the health risks of new energy sources"

Martina Wenker, vice-president of the German Medical Association, welcomed the Energiewende’s impact on human health at a conference organised by the GMA. Experts said that renewable energy generation had minimal health impacts, while coal emissions are responsible for an estimated 18,200 premature deaths in Europe each year, according to the European non-profit Health and Environment Alliance.

For the article in German see here.

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