Rules for a respectful CLEW Journalism Network
By interacting with CLEW Journalism Network members directly, or via the Facebook Group, you agree to act responsibly, meaning you will not:
1.) Violate intellectual property or privacy rights of a member of CLEW Journalism Network
2.) Intimidate, threaten, harass, stalk, or make a member of CLEW Journalism Network uncomfortable in any way
3.) Share spam or unrelated content via CLEW Journalism Network channels
4.) Quote a colleague without her or his clearly stated permission to do so. The network is one based on trust, set up for peer-to-peer exchange. If a colleague helps you out with their expertise, this information should first and foremost be considered as useful background understanding for you.
5.) Collect, store, utilise or share information of CLEW Journalism Network members without their consent, and for anything outside the scope of CLEW Journalism Network
6.) Use CLEW Journalism Network in a way that disrupts, negatively affects or inhibits other members from enjoying it
7.) Use CLEW Journalism Network for non-journalistic, commercial purposes
8.) Create more than one member account, or impersonate another journalist
If a problem or misconduct is brought to our attention, we will address it; this may lead to exclusion from the network. Should you experience any offence from within the community, do get in touch with us via: