16 Mar 2021, 08:30
  • Milou
    Milou Dirkx is Journalism Network Manager at Clean Energy Wire. She is the first point of contact for the members of the CLEW Journalism Network, and develops events and other opportunities for climate and energy reporters to engage.

Connecting the energy transition dots across the continent: CLEW launches Europe-wide expert database

Source: European Union
Find sources, contacts and interview partners with the help of CLEW's new database of key European climate and energy experts, ranging from the Spanish Photovoltaic Association to the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists. The database already includes over 500 key European climate and energy contacts, with more to be added in the coming months.

Clean Energy Wire has set out to ‘go Europe’ and increasingly support journalists from around the world to deliver top-notch journalism on European climate and energy policy. Finding the right experts to get background information or a much-needed lead quote can be tough for colleagues researching outside their beats or their home country. As climate and energy stories become increasingly interlinked in Europe, we have decided to compile a continent-wide database of key experts.  

Until now, we have published a timeline of reporting events and developments and held various online briefings. With these briefings we have provided journalists with important contacts, on-the-record quotes and insights into topics like just transition and an EU carbon border tax.  

Now, we are happy to present Clean Energy Wire’s database of key experts and institutions active in the fields of climate change and energy transition. Currently, the database includes 500+ energy and climate institutions, actors and researchers from the EU, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Lithuania, Spain and Sweden. As our expertise is only beginning to stretch beyond Germany’s borders, we have collaborated with journalists from across the continent, who have identified and documented the experts based in their respective home countries. In the coming months, we plan to complete the database with all EU member states and Norway, the UK and Switzerland.

Using the database
Europe has set out to drive the energy transition. Journalists must be able to look beyond borders to understand and cover this trajectory and its interplay with regional, national and local-level decisions and interests. By facilitating access to relevant energy and climate experts, we aim to make it easier for journalists to find the right person to talk to without the need for them to conduct hours-long desk researches and overcome language barriers.

Journalists will find a clear overview of different types of experts in the database, categorised according to expertise, topics and locations. The database lists individuals as well as organisations with corresponding web links and contact details– everything you need to find the right source for your next story. And you can save your selection of experts as PDF.

If the specific contact you are looking for is not yet included in the database or if you have suggestions or questions, feel free to get in touch with the CLEW team at info@cleanenergywire.org.

Recently added
Launched in March 2021, the database now counts 500+ contacts with expertise in climate and energy topics. The database will be frequently updated with new countries and experts, as listed below.

[latest update: 16-03-2021]

March 2021: Key climate and energy contacts added from the EU institutions and organisations, Bulgaria, Denmark, Ireland, Lithuania, Spain and Sweden.


EU list Dominique Ostyn
Bulgaria Mariyana Yaneva
Denmark Freja Eriksen
Ireland Jo Griffin
Lithuania Daiva Repečkaitė
Spain Marta Montojo
Sweden Ariane Sains

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