26 Jun 2023, 13:28
Julian Wettengel

Economy ministry set to unveil plan to speed up solar PV rollout

Tagesspiegel Background / Clean Energy Wire

The economy ministry aims to speed up solar energy expansion in Germany with legislative reforms it calls “solar package I”, which are set to be unveiled before the parliamentary summer break, reported Tagesspiegel Background. With the reform proposal seen by Tagesspiegel, the government aims to harmonise support for ground-mounted PV parks, simplify the expansion of rooftop systems, and more easily allow the use of so-called “balcony PV” plug-in solar installations.

The proposals are part of the economy ministry’s solar PV strategy, which it presented in May. It aims to simplify regulation, unlock new locations, and incentivise investments in the technology. Solar power will be one of the key energy sources of the future in Germany and greatly contribute to the goal of a share of 80 percent renewables in the country’s electricity consumption by 2030. A second “solar package” is to be presented at a later date. The economy ministry last week also announced there will be new government funding to rebuild the country’s solar industry.

Industry association BSW Solar welcomed the reported proposals. Removing hurdles to using suitable PV sites and cushioning increased capital costs are important prerequisites for being able to implement the government's goal of tripling the solar power capacity installed in Germany by the year 2030, said the association.

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