14 Jun 2019, 13:15
Julian Wettengel

Germany among top ten countries capable of managing climate challenges – ranking


Germany is one of seven European countries in the top ten of international auditor KPMG’s “Change Readiness Index 2019”, assessing countries’ ability to manage change and build a climate-ready future. “Climate change is among the most pressing issues we face as a global society,” said Timothy Stiles, Global Chair of KPMG's International Development Assistance Services in a press release. “Those countries failing to recognise the impact of climate change are likely to be unprepared for its growing costs, which will be levied on citizens, businesses and economies around the world.” Switzerland tops the index, Germany ranks 7th.

The index indicates the capability of a country – its government, private and public enterprises, people and wider civil society – to anticipate, prepare for, manage, and respond to a wide range of change drivers. This year's report reveals that poorer countries face double jeopardy when it comes to climate change: a higher risk from the negative impacts of climate change and a lower capacity to implement climate-ready policies and institutions, writes KPMG. 

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