10 Dec 2018, 14:00
Benjamin Wehrmann

Germany cashes in on emissions allowances as ETS price rises

Focus Online

The trade in emissions certificates has brought Germany more money than ever in one year in 2018, the news agency dpa reports in an article carried by Focus Online. With nearly 2.6 billion euros made in the European Union’s Emissions Trading System (ETS), the German state already earned twice as much money than in the year before, according to the emissions trading office at the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA), the article says. Prices for emissions allowances that are up to three times higher - from less than 6 to nearly 15 euros on average within one year - are the reason for the state’s earnings, which have surpassed expectations by more than one billion euros.

Find the article in German here.

See the CLEW article Reducing CO2 emissions with EU ETS does not hurt industry competitiveness – OECD report for more information.

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