04 Jan 2023, 13:37
Carolina Kyllmann

Germany intensifies energy transition cooperation with Norway and Portugal

Tagesspiegel / Clean Energy Wire

Germany plans to intensify its international cooperation on the energy transition with Norway and Portugal, with government ministers visiting both countries this week. On his trip to Norway, economy minister Robert Habeck (Green Party) hopes to sign a joint declaration to enable significant hydrogen imports into Germany within the current decade, Tagesspiegel reports. This would involve the construction of a hydrogen pipeline from Norway, with the aim of importing green hydrogen in the medium term. The economy ministry hopes to have finalised the most important steps for the partnership, including the necessary infrastructure, by 2030. The results of a feasibility study on a hydrogen pipeline should be available by spring, according to Tagesspiegel. Additionally, both countries hope to agree on a strategic partnership around climate, renewable energies (particularly offshore wind), and green industry.

Cooperation with Portugal on climate and energy issues, as well as environmental protection, should also be strengthened, foreign minister Annalena Baerbock announced ahead of her visit to the country. Portugal has aligned the reality of increasingly dry and hot summers with its climate and energy policy, and recognised early on the key role that the world's oceans play for the climate and food security, the Green politician said. “We want to join forces even further,” she added, continuing “we want to learn from each other.”

Germany was forced to rethink its energy transition strategy following Russia’s war in Ukraine and the ensuing energy crisis. Being heavily reliant on imported Russian fossil fuels, the German government sees the need to speed up the development of renewable energy sources and diversify its fossil fuel imports, both to ensure energy supply security and keep its climate targets within reach.

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