08 Oct 2020, 14:13
Sören Amelang

Older Germans more concerned about climate and environment than young – survey

Clean Energy Wire

Older people in Germany are more likely to consider climate and environmental protection an important topic than younger adults, a poll by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) has revealed. "The significance of the subject rises with increasing age," says the analysis by the political foundation with close links to the conservative Christian Democrats (CDU). Fifty-seven percent of people aged over 65 said the issue is very important to them, compared to less than forty percent of 18 to 34 year olds. "At the same time, however, more than 60 percent of all age groups, and thus a clear majority, regard environmental and climate protection as quite or very important." More women (52 percent) said the topic was "very important" than men (40 percent).

People living with underage children in their households are less concerned about climate and environmental protection (37 percent say it is very important) than those living without (48 percent). "This is surprising, because one could have assumed that people with children care more about the environment and climate than people without children," KAS said. The survey also revealed that almost a third of respondents talk about this subject often or even very often with colleagues, almost half with their friends, and 60 percent with their partner. Almost half of people with children said they talk to them about climate and the environment often or very often.

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