16 Oct 2017, 00:00

Facts on the German state elections in Lower Saxony

The coastal state of Lower Saxony is the backbone of Germany's mighty wind power industry and an important contributor to the country's Energiewende. More than one fifth of Germany's total wind power capacity is located in the north-western state, which also boasts the highest number of employees in the renewables sector. It still sources a large part of its electricity from nuclear power, but the share of renewables in power production looks set to keep growing regardless of the outcome of state elections on 15 October. [Update adds 2017 results]

Lower Saxony

Population:  7,926,600 (2015)
State capital: Hanover
Votes in the Bundesrat: 6 out of 69
Government: Social Democrats (SPD), Green Party
State Prime Minister: Stephan Weil (SPD)
Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Protection: Stefan Wenzel (Green Party)
Minister of Economics, Labour and Transport: Olaf Lies (SPD)


State party websites:
CDU, SPD, Green Party, Left Party, FDP, AfD


State election results 2017 and 2013, State of Lower Saxony. Source - Landeswahlleiter Niedersachsen 2017.


Gross power generation in Lower Saxony 2015. Source - Länderarbeitskreis Energiebilanzen 2017.


Gross power generation in Lower Saxony 2003-2015 by source. Source - Länderarbeitskreis Energiebilanzen 2017


Renewable power generation capacity in German federal states 2016. Source - AEE 2017.


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Sören Amelang

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