23 Mar 2023, 13:23
Edgar Meza

German electric car exports rise more than 65 percent in 2022

Clean Energy Wire

German exports of electric cars rose more than 65 percent last year to some 500,000 units valued at 24.2 billion euros, statistical office (Destatis) reports. While foreign trade of electric vehicles is growing in significance, combustion-engine automobiles still accounted for the majority of German car exports and imports in 2022. At 1.5 million units, the exports of combustion-engine cars remained unchanged from 2021 levels. The United Kingdom was Germany’s biggest e-car export market, with 14 percent in volume terms, followed by the United States with 13.1 percent. Germany also recorded a 22.2 percent increase in e-car imports, with 358,000 vehicles valued at 10.5 billion euros.

Some 833,500 e-cars were registered in Germany last year, according to car industry association (VDA). However, the total number of electric cars on German roads is only slightly above 1 million, as many newly registered - and heavily subsidised - cars were sold abroad at a profit. The roll-out of e-car charging infrastructure has also made progress in 2022, with the number of public charging points growing 35 percent to more than 80,500, energy industry association BDEW recently reported.

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