03 Dec 2020, 13:53
Sören Amelang

Monthly e-car registrations rise six-fold to approach 30,000 in Germany

Clean Energy Wire

Registrations of new pure electric cars rose six-fold in Germany in November compared to a year ago, to reach a share of ten percent. A record 28,965 pure electric cars were registered last month, an increase of more than 500 percent compared to November 2019, the country's Federal Motor Transport Authority KBA said. The number of all new hybrid cars almost doubled to 71,904, of which 30,621 were plug-in hybrids, a technology which posted an almost five-fold increase. For the first time, more hybrid cars were registered in one month than diesel cars (see graph). Diesel registrations fell by a quarter to a share of 24.3 percent. The share of petrol cars fell to just above 40 percent as registrations dropped by around one third. Average new car emissions dropped almost 19 percent to 126.2 g/km, KBA said.

The take-up of electric vehicles has been slow in Germany in comparison to many other markets. But thanks to new government incentives, registrations have picked up sharply in recent months. Germany has been struggling to lower emissions in the transport sector, which have remained broadly stable for decades as gains from more efficient engines have been eaten up by heavier cars.

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