05 Feb 2020, 13:29
Julian Wettengel

US Heartland Institute supports European climate science deniers – media report

CORRECTIV / Frontal21

Conservative US policy think tank The Heartland Institute supports climate science deniers from Germany and other European countries, write German non-profit investigative news service CORRECTIV and ZDF news magazine Frontal21, based on their undercover research. Heartland official James Taylor told the journalists in an e-mail that the institute planned to continue financing conferences by groups such as the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE), a German anti climate policy lobby organisation. "I am very optimistic that Europeans will wake up now and stop believing the climate craze," Taylor said.

In Germany’s party landscape, the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) is the only party that questions human influence in climate change. The AfD has made its critique of policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to protect the global climate a major issue in its political strategy. The party has ties with the lobby group EIKE, according to CORRECTIV. A staffer from AfD MP Karsten Hilse is vice president of EIKE.

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