03 Dec 2018, 14:39
Julian Wettengel

World must step up cooperation to fight global warming but it does not – opinion

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The international community is failing badly to cooperate as needed to counter the rise in global temperature, writes Andreas Mihm in an opinion piece in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. “Nationalism instead of multilateralism, cooperation was yesterday,” writes Mihm. Nowhere could this be seen better than at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires. “The twenty industrialised and emerging countries gathered there are responsible for four fifths of global greenhouse gas emissions – which rose again in 2017. The final declaration was very weak on this,” writes Mihm.

Find the opinion piece in German here.

For background, read CLEW’s two-part interview with state secretary Jochen Flasbarth New business mindset bolsters Paris Agreement - German official and Just transition in Germany could help counter populism - state sec.

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