Photo: RWE
23 Sep 2020, 17:00
Climate policy after the coronavirus crisis

Stimulus plans spark hope for climate-friendly economic recovery

The coronavirus outbreak has led to an unprecedented drop in economic activity in many countries around the world, leading to concerns that climate action and other environmental policies could be swept aside in hasty attempts to prevent a deep recession. While containment and management of the COVID-19 pandemic dominate short-term agendas, governments are facing the challenge to find a long-term response that reconciles economic recovery with sustainable development targets. But the economic stimulus packages countries are drawing up to revive the economy after corona crisis have also sparked hopes that progress in many sectors can be achieved much faster than previously thought, if the hundreds of billions of euros that will be disbursed in the pandemic's wake are invested in the right way. Existing decarbonisation roadmaps like the European Green Deal or Germany's Climate Action Programme are seen as possible frameworks that could support a sustainable recovery also years after the disease has abated. Clean Energy Wire compiles background on proposals for so-called green stimulus packages that could shape climate action in Germany, Europe and beyond for years to come.

A climate-friendly post-coronavirus stimulus – tracking the debate

As the coronavirus crisis drives many governments across the globe to introduce emergency plans to cushion the immediate economic effects, there are growing calls to reset the economy on a more climate-friendly path. Follow the debate on key policy and legislative ideas and initiatives regarding so-called green stimulus packages in Germany, the EU and the G20 in Clean Energy Wire's regularly updated news tracker. Find the overview here.

Germany gives energy transition mild boost with economic stimulus programme

The German government coalition has decided to reboot Europe's largest economy with a 130 billion euros stimulus package that contains steps to further the country's landmark energy transition. Economists and researchers welcomed the focus on climate-friendly technologies but, like NGOs, criticised that the government missed the opportunity to fully align the programme with climate targets. Find the article here.

Reactions to Germany's stimulus programme and its climate effects

The German government coalition has decided to reboot Europe's largest economy with a 130 billion euros stimulus package that contains many steps to further the country's landmark energy transition. Find reactions to the programme in this compilation.

'Potential to implement Paris Agreement'- German reactions to climate aspects of EU deal

In July 2020, the EU member states agreed on an unprecedented funding package to cushion the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and secure the bloc's budget until 2027. The 27 governments greenlighted a pandemic recovery programme worth 750 billion euros and a general budget of more than one trillion euros, with about one third of the expenses being earmarked for climate action measures. Find reactions from politicians, NGOs and business leaders in Germany here.

Climate after corona: green stimulus package could boost the economic recovery

The coronavirus crisis is driving many economies around the globe into recession, leading policymakers to draw up unprecedented spending plans to cushion the impact and enable recoveries. Activists, environmental think tanks and others see an opportunity to reset the economy on a more climate-friendly path with "green stimulus packages" and warn against making climate policy a lower priority in Germany and across Europe. A struggle over the right amount of climate action in the economic recovery is set to dominate the debate in the months to come. Read the article here.

Green stimulus: what it could look like in the various areas of the economy

The course of economic recovery from a deep recession caused by the coronavirus outbreak will determine key developments in sectors crucial to the global energy transition for years after the pandemic is over. Clean Energy Wire collects ideas on how so-called green stimulus packages can ensure a swift economic rebound with long-term environmental aims across different sectors. Read the factsheet here.

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Sören Amelang

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