05 Mar 2019, 13:54
Rachel Waldholz

Berlin missing opportunity by leaving solar power out of new school construction - report


Berlin is in the midst of a school construction boom, but so far none of those new schools will have solar power systems, Christoph Stollowsky reports in Der Tagesspiegel. That’s despite the city of Berlin’s  2016 energy transition law, which aimed to increase the use of renewable energy in public buildings, and the city’s goal of becoming a solar power hub. A Green Party member of Parliament, Andreas Otto, told Tagesspiegel he plans to raise the issue with the Berlin government.

Berlin has set a goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2050. Ramona Pop, Berlin’s economy and energy senator and a member of the Green Party, has said that adding solar power to Berlin rooftops is a major priority as the city seeks to meet those targets, and she is currently heading up a “Solarcity” master plan that will lay out a roadmap for increasing solar power generation in the city.

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