05 Oct 2022, 13:51
Carolina Kyllmann

Energy transition remains priority for German citizens during energy crisis – survey

Clean Energy Wire

The cost hikes and uncertainties triggered by the energy crisis have not shaken German citizens’ belief that the energy transition must have a high priority, according to a survey. Sixty-nine percent of respondents agreed that more financial resources should be spent on the energy transition now to avoid even higher costs in future, according to the Social Sustainability Barometer, a survey conducted by the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS). “Two-thirds of the people surveyed would like to see greater and more targeted measures for climate protection," the IASS’ Ingo Wolf said. Seventy percent said they were in favour of expanding renewables and simplifying their planning law while the proportion of those who felt burdened by heating costs rose from 28 to 43 percent since 2021, the survey of 6,500 people between March and April this year revealed.

The authors acknowledged that some sentiments might have changed since the survey was conducted, but generally expected to see main trends reinforced, they said during a press conference. “Further measures are urgently needed for the success of the energy and transport transition and citizens are ready for them, as long as their costs and benefits are fairly distributed in society,” co-author Jean-Henri Huttarsch from the IASS said.

The energy crisis that set on in late 2021 and has been greatly fueled by Russia’s war on Ukraine forced the German government to overhaul its energy policy to secure supply, resulting in increased costs that pose financial challenges for many people and businesses in the country.

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