08 Apr 2019, 12:48
Julian Wettengel

Fridays For Future Germany presents set of climate action demands

Clean Energy Wire

Organisers of the German section of the “Fridays For Future” student climate protests have called for net zero emissions by 2035, a coal exit in 2030 and 100 percent renewables by 2035 in a first official set of demands to the country’s government. “The current climate policy course in Germany is incompatible with the [Paris climate] agreement,” they write in a paper. “It must be replaced by a climate action law based on the 1.5 °C target, and future-oriented and sustainable cooperation at the European and global level.” By the end of 2019, students want the government to shut down one fourth of German coal power, and introduce a CO₂ tax on all greenhouse gas emissions which has to be high enough to cover the costs incurred for future generations – 180 euros per tonne, they write.

Students around the world are walking out of school on Fridays to demand faster action on climate change. The protests were inspired by 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, who began skipping school last August. In Germany, thousands of students have walked out of class in cities from Hamburg to Munich.

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