19 Jun 2020, 14:01
Benjamin Wehrmann

German industry and govt must enter into 'hydrogen pact' – sustainability council

Clean Energy Wire

Germany’s government and industry should enter into a "hydrogen pact" to make the gas "the energy transition's central second pillar" to complement renewable energies, the Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) has said in a statement. "We need to think big and act quickly now," said council leader Werner Schnappauf, arguing that a swift ramp-up of renewable hydrogen production capacities with an eye on global export opportunities needs a very close and reliable partnership between relevant companies and the government. The RNE says a dialogue between environmental groups, consumer protection associations, industry lobby groups and international development cooperation organisations should be established to achieve a reliable roadmap for expanding hydrogen production capacities. This will also entail an expansion of renewable energy sources "in a way that has never been seen before." The RNE further stresses that exploiting the full potential of green hydrogen production for climate action must come with clear sustainability standards and rely on strategic partnerships with countries in Europe and beyond.

The German government published its much-anticipated hydrogen strategy earlier this month, setting out to become a global leader in the technology that is increasingly seen as a silver bullet for sectors with particularly stubborn emissions, such as heavy industry and aviation. Together with six other European countries, it also launched a joint declaration on the key role they see for hydrogen production with renewable power sources in the region's future energy system.

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