31 Mar 2023, 11:37
Julian Wettengel

State energy ministers call for industry power price and lower electricity tax

Clean Energy Wire / MDR

The energy ministers from Germany’s sixteen states have called on the federal government to examine lowering the electricity tax to the European minimum, and supporting energy-intensive industries through a special power price. Such a price whould benefit companies that are implementing decarbonisation efforts and/or using renewable electricity, said the ministers after a joint meeting. They also called on the federal government to make it easier for citizens to use small solar panels, for example on their balconies, which can be hooked up to regular power plugs, reported public broadcaster MDR. Landlords and homeowners' associations will have to agree in principle if someone wants to install a so-called balcony power plant. However, households should no longer have to register a system with the local electricity grid operator, but only with the Federal Network Agency, wrote MDR.

The German government is working on proposals for industry electricity prices in order to shield companies from rising costs and to help them stay competitive internationally, for example by way of subsidising offshore electricity for industry customers through an auction scheme. Amid the energy crisis fuelled by Russia’s war against Ukraine, both private and commercial consumers have faced drastically rising prices. The government has introduced support schemes to help the industry, but these are temporary.

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Sven Egenter

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