17 Jul 2020, 14:12
Alex Dziadosz

Volkswagen expects e-mobility boost after pandemic

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Volkswagen does not expect the pandemic to slow the introduction of its flagship e-car model ID.3, Carsten Germis writes in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The company’s e-mobility sales and marketing manager, Silke Bagschik, told the newspaper the coronavirus is "more likely to accelerate the transition to e-mobility" because of increased environmental and social awareness. According to the article, there is already a waiting period of almost one year for the ID. 3. Customers in more European countries would be able to place orders from Monday onward,as markets such as the Netherlands and Norway were “unbelievably hungry” for the model, Bagschik was quoted as saying.

Since the revelation of its role in the dieselgate emissions fraud scandal, VW has embraced electric mobility more vigorously than most carmakers. Under its CEO Herbert Diess, it has started a major transformation in its business. The ID.3, its first fully electric model, is based on a new vehicle platform and is supposed to be its door opener for the mass use of e-cars.

In March, it was reported that the mass production of the model was being hampered by various difficulties, including problems with the car’s software. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported that despite a pandemic-related production stoppage lasting several weeks, VW expects to build “approximately” the planned 100,000 ID models from September—mostly including the ID.3s but also the ID.4, a fully-electric SUV. They hope to deliver pre-orders from September to the over 30,000 customers who had already pre-ordered, the report added.

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