09 May 2016, 00:00

Key results and facts from German state elections on 13 March

[Updates appointments] On 13 March, three German states went to the polls in regional elections. Last time these states voted, energy policy had been the hot topic, and Germany elected its first Green state premier. But this time round, priorities were very different, with the refugee crisis overshadowing all other issues. The following factsheet provides some key facts about the three states.


Population: 10.7 million (2014)
State capital: Stuttgart
Votes in Bundesrat (second federal chamber): 6 out of 69
Government: Green Party and Christian Democrats (CDU)
State Prime Minister: Winfried Kretschmann (67), Green Party
Minister for environment, climate and energy economyFranz Untersteller (59), Green Party
Find the coalition agreement (in German) here.

Election results
(Threshold for parliament: 5% of votes)

Party 2011 result 2016 result
CDU 39.0% 27.0%
SPD 23.1% 12.7%
Green Party 24.2% 30.3%
FDP 5.3% 8.3%
Left Party 2.8% 2.9%
AfD - 15.1%


Regional power mix:


State party websites (including election manifestos - Wahlprogramm - in German):
Green Party, Social Democratic Party (SPD), Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Free Democratic Party (FDP), Left Party (Die Linke), Alternative for Germany (AfD)



Population: 4 million (2014)
State capital: Mainz
Votes in Bundesrat: 4 out of 69
Government: Social Democrats (SPD), Free Democratic Party (FDP) and Green Party
State Prime Minister: Marie Luise (Malu) Dreyer (55), SPD
Minister for environment and energy policy: Ulrike Höfken (61), Green Party

Find the coalition agreement (in German) here.

Election results
(Threshold for parliament: 5% of votes)

Party 2011 result 2016 result
CDU 35.2% 31.8%
SPD 35.7% 36.2%
Green Party 15,4% 5.3%
FDP 4.2% 6.2%
Left Party 3.0% 2.8%
AfD - 12.6%


Regional power mix: 


State party websites:
Social Democratic Party (SPD), Green Party, Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Free Democratic Party (FDP), Left Party (Die Linke), Alternative for Germany (AfD)



Population: 2.2 million (2014)
State capital: Magdeburg
Votes in Bundesrat: 4 out of 69
Government: Christian Democrats (CDU), Social Democrats (SPD) and Green Party
State Prime Minister: Reiner Haseloff (62), CDU
Minister for environment, agriculture and energy: Prof. Dr. Claudia Dalbert (61), Green Party
Find the coalition agreement (in German) here.

Election results
(Threshold for parliament: 5% of votes)

Party 2011 result 2016 result
CDU 32.5% 29.8%
SPD 21.5% 10.6%
Green Party 7.1% 5.2%
FDP 3.8% 4.9%
Left Party 23.7% 16.3%
AfD -            24.3%


Regional power mix:

State party websites:
Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Social Democratic Party (SPD), Left Party (Die Linke), Green Party, Free Democratic Party (FDP), Alternative for Germany (AfD)

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Sven Egenter

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