17 Jan 2022, 12:09
Julian Wettengel

Clash between wind power expansion plans and military needs can be resolved – industry

Clean Energy Wire

Military obstacles and air traffic control systems often stand in the way of the much-needed expansion of onshore wind power in Germany, but the problem could be resolved quickly, said wind energy association BWE based on a survey of its members. In the short term, 4-5 gigawatts (GW) of capacity could be added in areas already designated for wind power expansion. “These are ’low-hanging fruit‘ that can be used to quickly get the energy transition on track,” said BWE president Hermann Albers. The survey showed that 7 GW of planned wind power capacity additions are currently “blocked” by conflicts. Around 4.8 GW of this is due to military obstacles, such as low-altitude routes for helicopters, writes the BWE.

The new German government has announced increased onshore wind power expansion as a key element for reaching its climate targets. Germany’s new minister for the economy and climate, Robert Habeck, has announced the launch of climate emergency programmes with a focus on renewables growth. A change in distance rules from radio beacons and military areas could free up land for some 9 GW of wind turbines in the short term, Habeck told a recent press conference.

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