07 May 2020, 13:51
Sören Amelang

German econ min says car industry support must keep climate targets in view

Bild / Clean Energy Wire

A new cash-for-clunkers programme to support the car industry must take into account Germany's climate targets, according to German economy minister Peter Altmaier. "This scrappage scheme must keep our climate goals in view and try to save CO2," he told the tabloid Bild, adding that it was still under discussion how that could work. Altmaier also said the government would support Lufthansa because the airline "is part of the economy's family silver." He said millions of jobs depended on the company. "This is why we will prevent a sell-off."

Altmaier also said the government would present an economic stimulus programme in early June, according to a tweet by his ministry, which said the aim of the programme was to keep unemployment as low as possible, but didn't mention the climate aspects of a recovery programme. In response to criticism, Altmaier tweeted: "In at least every other interview, I say that we need to save the climate and therefore will stick to our targets."

The unprecedented drop in economic activity due to the coronavirus has led to concerns that climate action and other environmental policies could be swept aside in hasty attempts to prevent a deep recession. While containment and management of the COVID-19 pandemic dominate short-term agendas, governments are facing the challenge to find a long-term response that reconciles economic recovery with sustainable development targets. Many politicians, activists and companies have said that recovery programmes must be used to set the economy on a more climate-friendly path with a "green stimulus package."

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