12 Jan 2021, 13:48
Charlotte Nijhuis

German transport ministry launches scrappage support programme for trucks

Clean Energy Wire

The German transport ministry (BMVI) has launched a programme to promote the replacement of old trucks with new ones with clean drives, the BMVI has announced in a press release. With immediate effect, the German government is supporting the purchase of brand new trucks that meet the current Euro 6 emissions standards with up to 15,000 euros if an old Euro 3, 4 or 5 truck is scrapped at the same time, the BMVI writes. In addition, a subsidy of up to 5,000 euros will be granted for the purchase of ‘intelligent trailer technology’, such as technologies for tyre pressure measurement or aerodynamic attachments. “Our aim is to sustainably reduce CO2 emissions from the commercial vehicle fleet, preserve jobs in the long term and provide a tangible boost to the economy,” transport minister Andreas Scheuer said. The funding is based on the resolutions by the ‘Concerted Action on Mobility’ (KAM) - a stakeholder group made up of state governments, the auto industry and sector experts - dedicated to long-term structural change in the German automotive industry and the associated impact on companies, regions and employees.

Greenhouse gas emissions from Germany’s transport sector have remained stubbornly high for years, and the industry has often been called the “problem child” of the country’s energy transition plans. In light of the decarbonisation of heavy-duty freight transport, researchers have been investigating clean alternatives, including catenary trucks and battery electric trucks.

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