14 Oct 2022, 13:53
Julian Wettengel

Germany reaches 95% gas storage target early


Bloomberg / Clean Energy Wire

Germany has reached its target to fill gas storages to 95 percent two weeks ahead of the 1 November deadline, the economy ministry (BMWK) announced. “The well-filled storage facilities will help us in winter but the storage facilities alone are not enough,” Klaus Müller, president of energy regulator BNetzA, told Bloomberg. “The gas in the storage facilities is enough for about two cold winter months.” The fuel held in giant caverns and tanks helps absorb supply swings and provides 25% to 30% of Europe’s winter consumption, writes the news agency.

Germany reached the target despite a halt to deliveries from Russia at the end of August. In earlier comments over the summer, Müller had said it was unlikely Germany would reach the 95-percent target without flows through the key Nord Stream pipeline connecting the country with Russia. The government initially introduced a new law with ambitious minimum levels for gas storages by specific dates, then raised the targets even more with a decision from July. Storages must be filled to a level of 75 percent by 1 September (85% by 1 October; 95% by 1 November).

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