07 Feb 2019, 13:44
Benjamin Wehrmann

Joint Daimler-TenneT project finds e-cars can stabilise power grid

Clean Energy Wire

The batteries of electric cars can make a significant contribution to keeping the power grid stable as power generation shifts towards intermittent renewable energy sources, carmaker Daimler and grid operator TenneT have found in a joint research project. “Automobile battery storage systems can take over tasks from large-scale power plants and make a significant contribution towards power grid stabilisation and system recovery,” TenneT says in a press release (in English). 
The expected surge in the number of e-cars on German roads is set to drastically increase demand for electricity and comes with considerable challenges for grid stability. However, the balancing effect that car batteries can provide could also prove beneficial in making the grid more flexible and help master the shift towards carbon-neutral power generation.

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