14 Mar 2022, 13:47
Sören Amelang

Germany plans new energy price relief for consumers

dpa / Der Spiegel

The German government plans a new relief package to help consumers cope with rising energy prices. The price increases overburden many people, Green economy and climate minister Robert Habeck told newswire dpa according to an article carried by Der Spiegel. "Extremely high heating costs, extremely high electricity prices, extremely high fuel prices are a burden on households, and the lower the incomes, the more so. The federal government will therefore launch another relief package," Habeck said. He added the package must ensure relief for rising electricity, heating as well as mobility costs, and provide incentives for energy efficiency.

The ministry estimates that an average family living in an unrenovated house would face additional costs of around 2,000 euros for gas alone this year. "The government will now put together the overall package quickly and constructively," Habeck said. Finance minister Christian Lindner, a Free Democrat (FDP), wants to launch a fuel subsidy, reported newspaper Bild. The measure would lower petrol prices by about 20 cents per litre or even more, corresponding to about ten percent of the current price at the pump. The measure is likely to be agreed this week, the article said.

In view of skyrocketing energy costs, the German government last month already agreed on a wide-ranging plan to provide financial relief to consumers, including the elimination of the renewable energy levy. Energy costs for the average German household were more than 50 percent higher than a year ago in February, and prices have risen further as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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