18 Sep 2024, 13:27
Carolina Kyllmann

SUVs make up more than half of all new electric cars in Germany so far this year

Clean Energy Wire / dpa / Zeit Online

Over half of all pure battery-electric vehicles (BEV) newly registered in Germany between January and August were sport utility vehicles (SUVs), according to the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA). Together with off-road vehicles (counted separately but perceived as SUVs by consumers), SUVs accounted for 55 percent of newly registered BEVs. The increase in electric SUVs and off-roaders has been trending upwards in the past two years: In 2023, they accounted for 53 percent of newly registered electric passenger cars, while in 2022 this figure was 43 percent, Zeit Online said quoting dpa.

Some 1.9 million passenger cars were registered in Germany between January and August this year. At over 242,900, BEVs made up around 13 percent of the market, down 32 percent compared to the same period of 2023. Passenger cars with an alternative drive system – including hybrids – accounted for around 45 percent of new registrations.

The electrification of transport is key for cutting the sector's emissions, which have remained stubbornly high for years as gains from more efficient combustion engines have been eaten up by the trend to heavier vehicles, such as SUVs.

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