20 Jan 2017, 00:00
German climate lead in G20 expected as elections to set tone domestically

Preview2017 - Outlook for Germany's Energiewende

A string of regional elections as well as federal elections will dominate German policy in 2017. In this dossier, the Clean Energy Wire and a number of energy and climate experts take a look at what is in store for the Energiewende and what its G20 leadership and the COP23 in Bonn mean for the country's energy and climate policy.

Elections, G20 set to dominate Energiewende policy

Gaze into CLEW's crystalball for the Energiewende's course in 2017 / Credit - were Get a clue of the Energiewende's presumably most important trends and events in 2017 in this article.





"I don’t think the momentum can be reversed"

Camilla Bausch, Director at Ecologic Institute Berlin says Camilla Bausch, Director at Ecologic Institute Berlin. Read the interview here.






"A top-down approach won’t get us very far"

Andreas Kuhlmann, Chief Executive of the German Energy Agency (dena) says Andreas Kuhlmann, Chief Executive of the German Energy Agency (dena). Read the interview here. 





Missing emission targets would be "disastrous signal"

Erika Bellmann, Climate and Energy Expert at WWF Germany says Erika Bellmann, Climate and Energy Expert at WWF Germany. Read the interview here.








"The debate on energy transition costs will intensify"

Uwe Franke, President of the German Member Committee of the World Energy Council says Uwe Franke, President of the German Member Committee of the World Energy Council. Read the interview here.








"Urgent matters won’t be tackled in election campaign"

Claudia Kemfert, Energy Economist at the German Institute of Economic Research (DIW) says Claudia Kemfert, Energy Economist at the German Institute of Economic Research (DIW). Read the interview here





"Prosperity and decarbonisation are not mutually exclusive"

Frederik Moch, Head of the Confederation of German Trade Unions' (DGB) Structural, Industry and Service Policy Department says Frederik Moch, Head of the Confederation of German Trade Unions' (DGB) Structural, Industry and Service Policy Department. Read the interview here.





"High pressure to decarbonise heating sector"

Robert Busch, Managing Director of the Association of Energy Market Innovators (BNE) says Robert Busch, Managing Director of the Association of Energy Market Innovators (BNE). Read the interview here.








Bring ideological coal debate "back to civilised level"

Ralf Bartels, Head of Energy Transition / Sustainability Department at the Trade Union for Mining, Chemicals and Energy Industries (IG BCE) says Ralf Bartels, Head of Energy Transition / Sustainability Department at the Trade Union for Mining, Chemicals and Energy Industries (IG BCE). Read the interview here.





"Coal exit must start now"

Harald Uphoff, Deputy Director of the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE) says Harald Uphoff, Deputy Director of the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE). Read the interview here.





"Turn Energiewende into an advantage for industry"

Sebastian Bolay, Coordinator for Energy Policy at the German Chambers for Commerce and Industry (DIHK) says Sebastian Bolay, Coordinator for Energy Policy at the German Chambers for Commerce and Industry (DIHK). Read the interview here.





"Transport is the problem child of the Energiewende"

Christian Hochfeld, director of think tank Agora Verkehrswende says Christian Hochfeld, director of think tank Agora Verkehrswende. Read the interview here.

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